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541 913 5185 2008 August
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Parks and Open Space
Matt Rivers
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. _ Ver wireless <br />72) will allow you to transfer billing responsibilities for a Verizon Wireless mobile telephone number currently held by your employer to you. <br />Complete all the applicable fields below. <br />If you are eligible, or required, to change your calling plan (or if the line you are transferring is the primary line on a Family SharePlan, or <br />is the only secondary line -on_a Family SharePlan), please review the available calling plans on the Verizon Wireless website at <br /> After selecting a calling plan, complete the fields in the Calling Plan Change section below. <br />3) Read the terms and conditions of this Transfer of Billing Responsibilities Form. <br />4) Read the Verizon Wireless Customer Agreement. You may obtain a copy of the Customer Agreement from your Organization or Verizon <br />Wireless representative or online at (enter in Customer Agreement in the search field). <br />5) E-mail this form by clicking the box - to the left of the appropriate signature line, save a copy and email it to <br />WFMWESTSATSUPPORT @VERIZONWIRELESS.COM. E -mails will only be accepted from your Organization's email domain. <br />Once the form is received, a confirmation e-mail notice will be sent to the requester's e-mail box. <br />6) If e-mail process is not available, return this form via Fax, have both parties sign and print at the bottom of this form and fax this form <br />to:949- 286 -8548 <br />Note: Completion timelines for the Assumption of Liability request is 3 -5 business days. <br />Account Information <br />Wireless Number to be Tmnsfbmxl - '.:1 � <br />(Assuming Customer) <br />Create New Billing Account: Yes <br />Assigning Customer Name: Matthew M. Rives <br />Add to Existing Account Number: Account Number. <br />Billing Address: o PO Boxes 3295 W 16'" Ave <br />Date of Birth: 5/28/64 <br />Social Securi #: 209 - 384786 <br />Billing Address (Cont): <br />E -Mail Address: mr nee; matt.m.rivers ci.ea <br />City: Eugene - <br />State: OR <br />Driver's License Number: 5698732 <br />1 State: OR <br />Zip Code: 97402 <br />Home Phone:541- 343 -2542 Work Phone: 541- 682 -4849 <br />Calling Plan Change - If Required (Assuming Customer) <br />Calling Plan Name: Basic - Home Airtime Minutes: <br />Line Tenn: IN 12 Months ❑ 24 Months Monthly Access Fee: <br />O rganization <br />• The account identified must be current (no past due balance) before Verizon Wireless can transfer it to another party. <br />• The individual signing this Transfer of Liability on behalf of Organization represents that they have the legal capacity to bind <br />Organization. <br />• Organization remains responsible for all charges incurred until the line is transferred. <br />• By signing this form, or checking the box below, Organization agrees to release liability for the mobile telephone number <br />indicated above. If retuming via email, the Organization representative must include their name and date. <br />® If returning via e-mail, please check the box to the left to acknowledge our electronic acceptance of these terms. <br />Signed: Title: Telecommunications Specialist <br />Name: Roberta Pu ilii Date: 07/22/08 1 Current Co orate Account Number: 770247670 <br />Personal/Employee Assumption of Liability (Assuming Customer) <br />• Upon processing of the transfer of billing responsibilities, a new personal account will be established for you, for this mobile <br />telephone number for which you agree to assume all financial responsibility. <br />• Establishment of your new personal account is dependent upon a credit check. Some of your personal information above will be <br />used in conjunction with that credit check. A deposit may be required to establish this account. <br />• Your new personal account requires a minimum of an annual service agreement and you may be subject up to a $175 Early <br />Termination Fee pursuant to the terms and conditions of both the Transfer of Billing Responsibilities and the Customer <br />Agreement. <br />• If you are receiving discounted monthly access fees as a benefit of your employment: You understand that this discount is based <br />on your organization's agreement with Verizon Wireless, and that from time to time, your discount rate may be adjusted in <br />accordance with your organization's agreement. You agree that, if you are otherwise subject to an Early Termination Fee, you <br />will not be permitted to terminate your service without being liable for such Early Termination Fee solely because of a change in <br />your rates resulting from a discount adjustment to which your organization has agreed. <br />• You understand that certain information relating to your service, including your name, your mobile telephone number and total <br />monthly charge may be released to your organization. <br />• Verizon Wireless reserves the right to require proof of your employment (Company ID badge or pay stub). If a review of your <br />employment status reveals that you are not, or are no longer, an employee of your organization, Verizon Wireless reserves the <br />right to remove this discount and move you to a commercially available calling plan or to a non - discounted service plan for the <br />remainder of your line term commitment. <br />❑ If returning via e-mail, please check the box to the left to acknowledge your electronic acceptance of these terms. <br />Note: Your Organization may have se arately agreed to release this line to you. <br />Signed: Date: <br />
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